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Hey Y'all. Carter Parton Rogers here.

Do you have big dreams? Do you want to smile? Do you like being happy? Do you want to be happy? Do you want more sunshine in your life?

You have come to the right place. Everything on my site is all about going after our dreams! Living a happy-sparkly-sunshine life. Visit here every time you want to be uplifted and smile and laugh a lot! Y'all. We're going to have so much fun! Stories, songs, music, friends, guests, all the wondefulness of life!

My big dream is to be a Country Music Singin' Sensation at The Grand Ole Opry. I'm workin' my way there and in the meantime, I want to create as many ways possible to share stories, songs, music, and uplifting conversations with y'all. So without further doing and talking...WELCOME to the blog and website!

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Singin’ and Dreamin’,

Carter Parton Rogers, host of The Sparkle Sunshine Show